New search API


  • Allow to configure search at the API level, instead of having the options in the database.

  • Allow to search a group of projects/versions at the same time.

  • Bring the same syntax to the dashboard search.


The parameters will be given in the query using the key:value syntax. Inspired by GitHub and other services.

Currently the values from all parameters don’t include spaces, so surrounding the value with quotes won’t be supported (key:"value").

To avoid interpreting a query as a parameter, an escape character can be put in place, for example project\:docs won’t be interpreted as a parameter, but as the search term project:docs. This is only necessary if the query includes a valid parameter, unknown parameters (foo:bar) don’t require escaping.

All other tokens that don’t match a valid parameter, will be join to form the final search term.



Indicates the project and version to includes results from (this doesn’t include subprojects). If the version isn’t provided, the default version is used.


  • project:docs/latest

  • project:docs

It can be one or more project parameters. At least one is required.

If the user doesn’t have permission over one version or if the version doesn’t exist, we don’t include results from that version. We don’t fail the search, this is so users can use one endpoint for all their users, without worrying about what permissions each user has or updating it after a version or project has been deleted.

The / is used as separator, but it could be any other character that isn’t present in the slug of a version or project. : was considered (project:docs:latest), but it could be hard to read since : is already used to separate the key from the value.


This allows to specify from what project exactly we are going to return subprojects from, and also include the version we are going to try to match. This includes the parent project in the results.

As the project parameter, the version can be optional, and defaults to the default version of the parent project.


Include results from projects the given user has access to. The only supported value is @me, which is an alias for the current user.

Including subprojects

Now that we are returning results only from the given projects, we need an easy way to include results from subprojects. Some ideas for implementing this feature are:


This doesn’t make it clear from what projects we are going to include subprojects from. We could make it so it returns subprojects for all projects. Users will probably use this with one project only.

subprojects:project/version (inclusive)

This allows to specify from what project exactly we are going to return subprojects from, and also include the version we are going to try to match. This includes the parent project in the results.

As the project parameter, the version can be optional, and defaults to the default version of the parent project.

subprojects:project/version (exclusive)

This is the same as the above, but it doesn’t include the parent project in the results. If we want to include the results from the project, then the query will be project:project/latest subprojects:project/latest. Is this useful?

The second option was chosen, since that’s the current behavior of our search when searching on a project with subprojects, and avoids having to repeat the project if the user wants to include it in the search too.


Since the request could be attached to more than one project. We will return all the list of projects for the cache tags, this is project1, project1:version, project2, project2:version.


Since the request could be attached to more than one project. we can’t make the decision if we should enable CORS or not on a given request from the middleware easily, so we won’t allow cross site requests when using the new API for now. We would need to refactor our CORS code, so every view can decide if CORS should be allowed or not, for this case, cross site requests will be allowed only if all versions of the final search are public, another alternative could be to always allow cross site requests, but when a request is cross site, we only return results from public versions.


We will record the same query for each project that was used in the final search.


The response will be similar to the old one, but will include extra information about the search, like the projects, versions, and the query that were used in the final search.

And the version, project, and project_alias attributes will now be objects.

We could just re-use the old response too, since the only breaking changes would be the attributes now being objects, and we aren’t adding any new information to those objects (yet). But also, re-using the current serializers shouldn’t be a problem either.

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "projects": [
      "slug": "docs",
      "versions": [
          "slug": "latest"
  "query": "The final query used in the search",
  "results": [
      "type": "page",
      "project": {
        "slug": "docs",
        "alias": null
      "version": {
        "slug": "latest"
      "title": "Main Features",
      "path": "/en/latest/features.html",
      "domain": "",
      "highlights": {
        "title": []
      "blocks": [
          "type": "section",
          "id": "full-text-search",
          "title": "Full-Text Search",
          "content": "We provide search across all the projects that we host. This actually comes in two different search experiences: dashboard search on the Read the Docs dashboard and in-doc search on documentation sites, using your own theme and our search results. We offer a number of search features: Search across subprojects Search results land on the exact content you were looking for Search across projects you have access to (available on Read the Docs for Business) A full range of search operators including exact matching and excluding phrases. Learn more about Server Side Search.",
          "highlights": {
            "title": [
              "Full-<span>Text</span> Search"
            "content": []
          "type": "domain",
          "role": "http:post",
          "name": "/api/v3/projects/",
          "id": "post--api-v3-projects-",
          "content": "Import a project under authenticated user. Example request: BashPython$ curl \\ -X POST \\ -H \"Authorization: Token <token>\" \\ -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\ -d @body.json import requests import json URL = '' TOKEN = '<token>' HEADERS = {'Authorization': f'token {TOKEN}'} data = json.load(open('body.json', 'rb')) response = URL, json=data, headers=HEADERS, ) print(response.json()) The content of body.json is like, { \"name\": \"Test Project\", \"repository\": { \"url\": \"\", \"type\": \"git\" }, \"homepage\": \"\", \"programming_language\": \"py\", \"language\": \"es\" } Example response: See Project details Note Read the Docs for Business, also accepts",
          "highlights": {
            "name": [],
            "content": [
              ", json=data, headers=HEADERS, ) print(response.json()) The content of body.json is like,  &quot;name&quot;: &quot;<span>Test</span>"


  • project:docs project:dev/latest test: search for test in the default version of the docs project, and in the latest version of the dev project.

  • a project:docs/stable search term: search for a search term in the stable version of the docs project.

  • project:docs project\:project/version: search for project::project/version in the default version of the docs project.

  • search: invalid, at least one project is required.

Future features

  • Allow searching on several versions of the same project (the API response is prepared to support this).

  • Allow searching on all versions of a project easily, with a syntax like project:docs/* or project:docs/@all.

  • Allow specify the type of search:

    • Multi match (query as is)

    • Simple query string (allows using the ES query syntax)

    • Fuzzy search (same as multi match, but with with fuzziness)

  • Add the org filter, so users can search by all projects that belong to an organization. We would show results of the default versions of each project.